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Welcome to 2014


I hope you all managed to have a good break over Christmas and that 2014 has been good to you so far.

The main news for today is that rehearsals will start again in approximately one week - Tuesday 4th February - and I am looking forward to catching up with you all then.

The usual place and time 7:30 - 9:30 at the Birkenhead College Theatre.

Hopefully you have all been using your spare time to practise your instruments over the holidays, however if you are like some band secretaries I could mention then now would be an excellent time to blow the cobwebs out of it and make sure you remember how it works!

Our wonderful concert manager, Sam, has not been at all idle and already has quite a line-up of concerts organised, so please put the following dates in your diaries and try to keep them free:

Concert bookings:

• Saturday 1st March Northcote shops 10.30-12noon

• Sunday 30th March Cornwall Park 1-3pm

• Sunday 13th April Selwyn Village concert 2pm -3.45pm.

• Sunday 3rd August Pumphouse Concert 2pm-4pm

• Sunday 30th November Farmers Santa Parade 12-2pm

• Sunday 7th December Selwyn village Christmas concert 2pm!


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