The North Shore Concert Band is very excited to be hosting the next Band Weekend on behalf of the NZ Concert Band Association and featuring Musical Director Peter Thomas.
This will be running from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon on the weekend of 14th - 16th June.
Registrations are now open!
If you would like to take part you can sign up at
Just click on the REGISTER NOW link and fill in the form.
The cost for the weekend is $60
Time commitment: It is a very full on but rewarding weekend. You will need to be available on the Friday evening, all day Saturday (something like 9am – 5pm) and most of Sunday (like 9am – 3pm) .
What will happen:
Friday evening - everyone will assemble for the first time and have a first run through of the music (which will hopefully be sent out in advance).
Saturday - will be spent rehearsing the music, some of that time will be spent in section rehearsals. There is usually an optional group dinner on the Saturday evening.
Sunday – More rehearsals in the morning followed by a concert in the afternoon, which is usually free / gold coin donation for anyone who wants to come and listen.
Musical Director: Peter Thomas, Musical Director of the Auckland Symphony Orchestra and, many years ago, of the North Shore Concert Band.
Why is it good? By the end of the weekend your musicianship will have gone up several notches, you will have met and learned from lots of great people from all over the country, and you will have performed in a really good concert.